Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Unhappy Employees Need Break

I met a friend, who has been a headhunter for over four years, at lunch yesterday.

With the financial sector having paid its annual performance bonuses, I know of several individuals who are seeking to jump ship.

I was hoping to introduce them to him in the hope they'll secure something suitable.

Some of them are unhappy with their jobs. The others are happy with what they are doing but just want a change and challenge.

He shared quite honestly with me that he only wanted to know those happy ones.

He explained, "They are more likely to be liked by future employers. Such persons often bring the right attitude and a positive spirit to the role offered. It will be easier to place them."

As for those who are unhappy, he had no immediate solution.

In my view, people who are unhappy in their present roles should seriously consider taking a sabbatical.

Go study full-time, learn a new skill / language, do volunteer work or even go on a holiday or pilgrimage!

It is a fantastic opportunity to reflect about where you are and where you wish to go.

Find things you like to do and seek the happiness you've lost. Aim to have the right attitude and get positive by the end of your sabbatical.

You will then find it easier to come back into a career or role that better suits you.

Dharmendra Yadav

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